Category Archives: Opinion

Like Frogs in Hot Water…

Like Frogs in Hot Water…

I just did a short photography series “Like Frogs in Boiling Water”. The title may not immediately explain the subject, I purposely did this to raise curiosity. I was looking for a 1940-1970’s geopolitical tension look –gloomy. Here are my little blurb and the images:   Slowly and surreptitiously people’s rights have been chipped away for […]

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Summer News…

Summer News…

Hope you have been enjoying the beautiful days! I’ve tried to be out and about whenever possible but there is always much more to do than its possible which I think is good as it keeps us, at least me, thinking of the next time I’ll be able to do what I missed today…   […]

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The circus is here!

The circus is here!

  The P. T. Barnum-type of language full of hyperbole and superlatives is becoming our daily dose… This made me think of describing one of my artworks in this jargon. Here it is: North Shore Panorama Altered Photography Triptych 2017 This masterful altered photograph has quickly become an indispensable iconic marker and attestation to the […]

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What do you do when what you most need fails?

What do you do when what you most need fails?

The past four months have been rather difficult having half of my indispensable equipment -the computer- giving me big time problems. Spending hours and hours on the phone with the Mac people or taking it to the store looking for the solution to stop the computer from freezing and shutting down over and over again […]

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On the prices of certain artworks

On the prices of certain artworks

I wish someone could explain to me how certain artworks reach such stratospheric prices. The 72”x 68” untitled painting seen here by Basquiat, from 1982, will be auctioned by Sotheby’s this May 19. In 1984, it went to private hands for $19,000 and it is now set to fetch $60 million. I get Basquiat is dead […]

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