Category Archives: Urban Planning

News and Launching of Book…

News and Launching of Book…

    Women Unfolding As I mentioned in last month’s news, the opening of the ‘Women Unfolding’ exhibition will be this March 7, at 3 pm, at the Biblioteca’s Art Gallery, in San Miguel Allende, Mexico. This is part of the ‘Ser Mujer’  events. If you happen to be in town, I hope to see […]

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Thanks for your support!

Thanks for your support!

First of all, I would like to give you my heartfelt thanks as without you -the viewer, the collector- art is like the tree that fell in a forest…  You are a very important link in the art chain. Thanks!   I’ve been busy preparing for a solo exhibition this coming April at West Vancouver’s […]

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Summer News…

Summer News…

Hope you have been enjoying the beautiful days! I’ve tried to be out and about whenever possible but there is always much more to do than its possible which I think is good as it keeps us, at least me, thinking of the next time I’ll be able to do what I missed today…   […]

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Fundraising Exhibition at Seymour Art Gallery…

Fundraising Exhibition at Seymour Art Gallery…

The annual juried Art Party! at the Seymour Art Gallery is on Sunday, June 25 at 5 pm. This is a Fundraising Exhibition to support arts and culture. Two prints of my ‘City in Flux – Work in Progress‘ will be auctioned. Great opportunity to acquire great art and help the local art scene! There will […]

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The winner of the 16 x 20 print is Vickie Laine!

The winner of the 16 x 20 print is Vickie Laine!

  Many thanks to all who visited my exhibition at the Lynn Valley Library  Gallery, part of the Capture Photography Festival I truly appreciate the lovely comments left. The librarians mentioned how, particularly children, enjoyed looking at all the modes of transportation and the gorgeous view of the snowed mountains in my ‘North Shore […]

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