Like Frogs in Boiling Water

Like Frogs in Boiling Water

Slowly and surreptitiously people’s rights have been chipped away for years but lately, this has been accelerating. We, the people, are the target of those in government, actually, of those in power and behind the scenes. The loss of assumed natural or given rights are only noticeable when they are no longer.


Terrorism is a convenient partner to those in control. With the pretext of security, we willingly accept the imposition of all sort of barriers which leave us outside. We become aliens with less and less rights. We accept passwords, codes, closed doors, barricades, blockages, fences, and walls as protectors while they make us intruders.


Will we wake up on time?

Barrier, Closed Doors

Barrier, Closed Doors









Barrier, Closed door

Barrier, Closed door

Locked doors

Locked doors

Card Access Only

Card Access Only


Unknown Authority

Unknown Authority

Alien, The Other

Alien, The Other


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